Our Members


Board of Directors 2024-2025


Erin Mulligan

I am so excited to lead PBR again! I was a co-president in 2022-2023. 

I love building community and making the area I live a better place. 

Please reach out if you would like to collaborate or have any questions about our club!

Vice President

David Lockwood

Coming soon!

Publicity and Fundraising 

Emma Head

I’ve been in San Diego for almost 8 years, and hope to stay here long term. My favorite activities are yoga, walks on the boardwalk, and trying new restaurants. I am often traveling abroad working in ocean conservation, or exploring for fun. 

I was looking to join a community in my neighborhood so I could get to know others my age interested in getting involved in the community. I have made great friends, spent hours volunteering around town, and had a lot of opportunities for fun through PB Rotaract.


Nicole Siguenza

I like to help people and volunteer in my community. Rotaract helps connect me with a bunch of different volunteer opportunities and I get to interact with other like-minded people that are trying to do good in the world. More so than other community service groups, Rotaract provides the opportunity to connect with other local Rotaract and Rotary clubs beyond my own. I am part of a larger network of awesome people that extends globally.

Rotaract is an awesome way to connect with other people you might not otherwise, through work/school/etc. You build connections that can extend into all facets of your life while making the world a better place. PB Rotaract in particular is a super active club of young professionals and has some of the coolest and nicest people you’ll ever meet.

Outside of Rotaract I like to volunteer at a cat rescue, color, read, bake, move my body, and tend to my succulent garden.

Membership Director

Jack McBrearty

Coming soon!

Service Director

Jimmy Irwin

Coming soon!

Finance Director

Alexis Marsh

I’m excited to join the PBR board this year! I moved to Pacific Beach in 2017 and have fallen in love with this neighborhood. I was looking for an organization that would allow me to meet new people and give back to the community - Pacific Beach Rotaract fit the bill perfectly.

In my free time, I love going to the beach, volunteering, listening to podcasts, and spending time with my loved ones (especially my cat). Looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!

Social Director

Claire Theroux

Coming soon!


Professional headshot of Erika Rodriguez




Headshot of Krista Davies



Robbie (pic coming soon)